AIsa Invest SA Cluj-Napoca

SC AISA INVEST S.A. (Agency for Investments, Services and Business) was founded on the 7th of April 1998 with its main domain of acivity: commercial and management servicies. The management strategy of our team from SC AISA INVEST SA, company which administrates SCR Group, aims first of all at armonising the external environment conditions (economic, technological, comercial, etc.) with the internal environment (structure, resources, company culture, management style) where SCR Group is acting, by constantly monitoring the internal and external events and tendencies.

Due to our various skills and experience we can offer professional wide-range services in any management activity.


aisaCluj-Napoca, 12 Muncii Blvd., Cluj County
Phone: 0040.264.415.086
Fax: 0040.264.456.158